Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Management Platforms and Tools - Hootsuite

Do you have a business that is online? Do you use social media to promote your business? Are you like me that has an account on every major social media site and wants to be on top of what is going on? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to check out Hootsuite.

Hootsuite is a social media dashboard where you can keep track of and keep on top of multiple social media platforms all in one place. You are able to schedule posts and manage every major social media platform, all without having to switch between each social media account.

While using Hootsuite you are able to setup different topics of information that you want to see on each dashboard. Lets say you want to see anything about your online business, a certain video game, or a band. You can setup these 'streams' as they are called, to break down the information that is relevant to that individual stream. Hootsuite is exceptional for businesses that have an online presence. With the ability to sort keywords in to an individual stream that are important to that type of business. My personal favorite is being able to create a stream for scheduled posts, this allows you to schedule posts every day for the upcoming week without having to login to each account and post this information. There are an almost infinite number of ways that you can use these streams to your advantage. With a social media management system like this there should be no reason you should be missing a beat on social media.

Now talking about missing a beat... You are not truly connected with the customers you serve if you are not using an automated social media management system. 79% of the top performing companies use these management systems because they know that the information on social media is crucial to what they are trying to accomplish. They know they need to be able to listen in order to grow and serve their customers. Social listening is a crucial part in having an online presence. Look back at a time that you were searching for an answer from a company how do you feel when it seems like no one is listening, or you are never getting a response back. Now look back at a time where you had great service and a quick response. What did you feel like, which would you rather choose? That is where social media management systems come in to play. When someone asks a question it doesn't matter what you are doing, you get notified that someone made a comment or asked a question and you are able to respond quickly and effectively without missing a beat.

What are your thoughts on social media management platforms? Is this something only for the business folk? If you don't own a business would you use it, how would it be helpful to you??





Blogger Unknown said...

Great article! I also think that companies are missing the boat if they are not utilizing these tools that are readily available to them.

7:15 PM


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